Monday, February 26, 2007

Momma didn't raise no fool

The clip/movie I'm planning on showing today (my iMovie project) has no titles because I was unsure of what to put in them, so just to specify, I would say my movie is really all about subject-to-subject transitions. A lot of my movies turn out this way because most of the stuff I make stars me because I'm a terrible, terrible director and have absolutely no patience whatsoever. When I do use actors they end up alienated and morose, the poor little dears. But, if you want to make a cake, you've gotta break a couple of eggs, am I right? See, its this kind of gestapo mentality that has kept me from getting caught up in the sticky, unpleasant business of having to accomplish things.

So yes, the things I feel that are strong in this movie are the subject to subject transitions. I also enjoy using experimental lighting and shot compositions. Most of my scenes are close ups, because the action (and actions) that are going on are minimal, and close ups enhance the drama of the moment.

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