Monday, January 22, 2007

Quod me nutrit, me destruit

Okay, response to James Turell. I really liked the concept of a house of religious or spiritual meaning having that big skylight to the outdoors. I liked what that link symbolized in terms of connection with the earth/universe/nature etcetera. I like churches a lot, but I think if I were going to go somewhere to worship or be reflective I would rather have it be somewhere more like Turell's meeting house. The skylight reminded me of a connection to God, and of a tranquility that maybe is only attainable through personal spiritual reflection like that.

On a slightly more unrelated note, I also liked how the actual show/section was structured. I thought the honesty of Turell's situation was really cool and refreshing, I though it was interesting how he admitted that this huge project that his life revolves around has sort of also destroyed other aspects of his life, aspects that as a society we probably (perhaps superficially) value more than art. I feel like conviction to anything thats as strong as that is bound to curdle fragile things like relationships around it, but again, a pull to create that is as powerful as that is something that cannot be ignored HENCE my creative and intellectual title. Probably considered less creative and intelligent now that Angelina Jolie has it tattooed somewhere on her body. Poor latin, it never saw it coming.

As for Turell's work, we didn't really see much of it in the video. I didn't really understand the MFA piece they showed, but that could be because it was hard to understand the composition of the installation on the TV screen. There were also parts of the crater that I didn't really grasp but that could easily be because I'm not very good spacially. I understood the concept, though...I think. I understood the window that lets you experience the rotation/angle of the earth. They kind of lost me on the lunar standstill, I don't really know what that means.

On an extremely unrelated note, this new blog experience thing is kind of trippy for me, I used Blogger Beta back in the day and posting an image was way more of a hassle. It involved image tags and everything.

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